
In this page you will find information about treasure and how to report items you may find.

You must report treasure to the local coroner within either:

  • 14 days of first finding it.
  • 14 days of realising an item might be treasure, even if you’ve had it for longer.

This can be done via your local Finds Liaison Officer (FLO). Your local FLO and their contact details can be found here.

What is treasure?

The Treasure Act 1996 describes treasure as:

  1. Any object at least 300 years old when found which—
  • is not a coin but has metallic content of which at least 10% by weight is precious metal (that is, gold or silver);
  • when found, is one of at least two coins in the same find which are at least 300 years old at that time and have that percentage of precious metal; or
  • when found, is one of at least ten coins in the same find which are at least 300 years old at that time.
  1. Any object at least 200 years old when found which can be considered to be of outstanding historical, archaeological or cultural importance.
  2. Any object which would have been treasure trove.
  3. Any object which, when found, is part of the same find as—
  • an object within paragraph (1), (2) or (3) found at the same time or earlier; or
  • an object found earlier which would be within paragraph (1) or () if it had been found at the same time.

Looking for Treasure

  • When looking for treasure, you must always have permission to detect on any land. Permission must be from the landowner (and occupier if the land is leased).
  • You must never detect on protective sites or sites of special scientific interest.

Further information on looking for treasure can be obtained from The National Council for Metal Detecting.

For further advice about Treasure:

British Museum
Phone: 020 7323 8243
Email: [email protected]

Portable Antiquities Scheme
Phone: 020 7323 8611
Email: [email protected]

Coroner's Office
Email: [email protected]